The new year is here and while I’m not big on all that New Year New You rubbish, I am aiming for this to be a year of change. As far as this blog is concerned that means actually updating it more regularly.
I have a big list of things to write about in general, and hope to get back into writing about music (I’ve moved my now-defunct music blog posts here and am aiming to get through a backlog of album posts) as well as stuff I watch with my other half. Basically just more posts.
Some things will be scheduled, as I have this habit of being inspired to write in small batches of posts, and where they aren’t time sensitive I’ll spread them out to avoid it all being overwhelming to folks getting email updates etc…
Time management is an issue for me but I am going to try to put my daily commute to good use whether that’s plotting out blog posts or catching up on my reading. At the moment I sit playing games on my phone which helps me unwind but tends not to engage my brain as much as the word game designers would like you to believe.
It would be awesome if you stay tuned. You can see the various ways to find out when there is a new post by clicking here. I can’t promise to be interesting all the time, or even most of the time but I’ll do my best.