Category: Personal

Our Little Christmas Tree Is Up!

There’s not a huge amount of space for a tree at TeamCookieFace HQ, so we…

 Posted in Blogmas, Personal

A Festive Wander Around Liverpool

We went for a little wander around Liverpool to look at the Christmas stuff. To…

 Posted in Blogmas, General, Personal, Photographs

My Memory Board

I have started a memory board in my room at Stuart’s house. As you can…

 Posted in Geekery, General, Personal

Things That Drain My Energy

I want to try to keep things positive on this blog, but realistically I know…

 Posted in General, Personal

How I Wasted A Week Off

I have to confess that the title of this post is a little misleading. I…

 Posted in General, Personal

My Favourite Item of Clothing

Once it’s hoodie weather I basically live in my No Such Thing As A Fish…

 Posted in General, Personal

An Apology

I haven’t kept up with my blogs very well lately. I am hoping to change…

 Posted in General, Personal

Railway Ticket Office Closures

July has thrown a lot of things at us so far. The worst of which…

 Posted in Personal, Uncategorized

Not Really Going To Plan

We are just about halfway through the year and I haven’t posted since January! To…

 Posted in General, Personal

Here’s to the New Year…

I’m not one for all the “New Year New You” bollocks, if you need a…

 Posted in General, Personal