This year sees the first Christmas I will be spending away from the family homestead. Stuart is working the early shift on Christmas Eve and will be back on the same shift after Boxing Day. Since they will be his only two “rest days” until after the New Year we are spending them together.
While I’m not planning on making a full-on Christmas Dinner there will be some cooking involved. I’ll be making stuffing because my own personal traditional Christmas breakfast is a stuffing butty or three. (Honestly, I’m usually just checking if it tastes okay to go on the dinner!) I will also probably rustle up a cheese sauce to go with crisps or whatever version of saddle-shaped potato-based snack we happen to have. There may be other warm snack items too. The idea is to have a table full of mostly snack foods and just graze for two days, replenishing from the snack cupboard as required.
Entertainment will be in the form of whatever we fancy watching on the TV. I think we’ll try and keep it mostly festive though. We may even play a couple of games, but mostly it will be two days of doing very little. It’s our gift to ourselves, some actual rest. I’ll have the days in between to wash up and tidy up once Stuart is back at work.