Carpe Diem and All That!

Various anniversaries throughout the year remind me that life is short and we should all simply make the most of the time we have immediately in front of us.

Seizing the Day sounds like every day should be an adventure, but it can be as simple as choosing to find the good in every day, the beauty in every moment, the sunshine that breaks through the bleakest of days.

It’s not always an easy task, but those moments are all the more golden for the effort to find them.

Life is too short

  • to dwell on the negative in every single day, thing or situation
  • not to tell someone how you feel
  • to put up with bullshit
  • to put off that thing you want to do
  • not to dance on the odd occasion
  • not to celebrate everything you enjoy

Or in other words…

Author: A-M