Five Favourite Shows To Binge Watch

In no particular order –


I came late to this show, in fact, it’s the only one on this list that I didn’t watch from the first time it was broadcast in the UK. It is however one of my favourite shows, and once I had discovered it I binged it right through, then again with DVD commentary and then another straight watch through. It is a masterclass in creating a perfect series.
The latest binge-watch was to catch my boyfriend up on the show before we watched Leverage Redemption.

There’s no affiliate link here simply because the prices for the DVD box set are a bit silly. It is available on Amazon Prime Video, however (with an edited first episode)

The West Wing

I love this show. I don’t remember why I watched it when it was originally broadcast here but I did and I was hooked from episode one! It is probably my most rewatched TV show, I’m definitely in double figures.

I confess that I am over-invested in the characters. Thankfully so are the cast, so their social media is full of love for this show.

My last rewatch was during the recent lockdowns. I watched it with Stuart but in our separate houses, pressing play at the same time and messaging each other throughout. That soon stopped being a commentary on what was happening and turned into a quote fest!

Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip

You may notice a bit of a bias towards Aaron Sorkin shows on this list, I make no apologies for that at all. Studio 60 was the nest show he did after The West Wing, and I guess it didn’t really take off with most viewers as it only lasted one season. I like it though. Ed Asner and Eli Wallach put in guest appearances so that’ll do for me!

The Newsroom

Although The West Wing will always be my first love as far as Aaron Sorkin shows go, I suspect that The Newsroom isn’t too far behind. Compelling viewing, well-crafted characters and since it was on HBO there is a perfect amount of swearing. Not swearing for swearing’s sake, but perfectly placed where you’d expect it in real life.

Thankfully this show wasn’t cut short, so everything got to reach its conclusion in a timely fashion. (Studio 60 always feels rushed at the end)

Quantum Leap

Unlike the rest of this list, it’s been a few years since I have seen this series. I am very aware that when I do sit down and rewatch it some aspects of the show will feel very dated.

However, this show was quite an obsession. I have novels and comic books dotted about the house. I think I even used to get a fan magazine at one point. There are episodes that will forever move me to tears because of the way the actors inhabited their roles.

A rewatch is long overdue. The box set was the first thing I replaced after I lost my copy in a fire.

Author: A-M