Out Of Routine

I’ve been out of routine at various times over the last few weeks. On the one hand it’s a good idea to break out of the rut but on the other it’s left me a bit out of sorts and completely confused about what day it is. 

Between days off both planned and due to not being able to travel to work and my other half being off work I have either been at home or at Stuart’s on days I wouldn’t have been. Also I travel to the station a little later on days when Stuart is on leave (I usually grab something from Greggs and we have a bite to eat together in the mornings before I get the train to work.) 

It’s such a two-edged sword. I’ve enjoyed the extra time to get things done, yet feel quite anxious out of routine. However when I am in my usual routine I am deeply unhappy about it a lot of the time. I get home tired, wake up tired and feel like I’m trudging through the week towards the weekend with no quality time for me. 

From tomorrow I think I am back to the regular same old same old for a while. (At least until the next weekday rail strike). I welcome and dread it in equal measure. 

Author: A-M