An Apology

I haven’t kept up with my blogs very well lately. I am hoping to change this. My mental health seems to be on an upswing and I am determined to be more focused and get into a proper routine soon.

I have more time now to do creative things and I havei finally acknowledged that I need to start to jot down notes wherever I may be, whether that’s in a notebook or on my phone. My memory is definitely getting more flakey.

There will be a few cosmetic changes too. I’ll be adding ads to the page. I’ll try and keep them mostly out of the way of reading the articles, and I will do my best to keep an eye on them and remove any that I think aren’t right for the sites. There will also be affiliates links where articles give the opportunity to use them, though I will prioritise direct links to friends’ products over these. There’s no obligation to follow affiliate links by the way, but you should all totally visit any friends’ links! (I don’t get anything for those, just the warm and fuzzy feeling of sharing cool stuff by fab people!)

I guess I should get on with it then. More soon…promise!

Author: A-M