Category: General

Looking For Gift for a Film fan? May I Recommend A Subscription to Film Stories.

Time for my Christmas plug for Film Stories Magazine! This fabulous and friendly magazine champions…

 Posted in Christmas, Geekery, General

My “To Be Read” Pile

Recently I’ve started making more time to read. Over the years, I fell out of…

 Posted in Geekery, General, Personal, Reading

Keeping a Journal

I attempt to keep a journal. Sometimes I do it well and write every day,…

 Posted in General

Hey I got interviewed!

My love friend Ellie Fearn interviewed me for a series of posts on her blog….

 Posted in General, Personal

Where Do I Write?

I don’t currently have a designated writing space but I hope to sort something out…

 Posted in General, Personal

Why Do I Have A Blog?

That seems like a fair question given how much I neglect both this personal blog…

 Posted in General, Personal

Tickets Please!

Ticket buying shouldn’t be so traumatic. But it is. This morning I spent two hours…

 Posted in Adventures, Events, General

Promoting The Other Half’s YouTube Channel

This post is a blatant plug for my other half’s YouTube channel. He’s a Motobike…

 Posted in General, Personal, Uncategorized

Trying To Blog With A Cat

 Posted in General, Personal

So…I’m on TikTok

I have no idea what I am doing but I am on TikTok. I currently…

 Posted in Geekery, General