E-Readers vs Books

This still seems to be a debate where emotions run high on both sides. I fall somewhere in between.

I love books, I have lots of them. Some are pre-loved from charity shops and car boot sales, some are shiny hardbacks signed by the author and at least one is worth more money than I’d like to contemplate at the moment. Actual physical books do have a warmth to them and of course, are very tactile. The thrill of turning the page to see what happens next is something I’ve experienced since childhood. I will always appreciate the feel and look of an actual book. Whenever I am somewhere where I can sit and read for a long time, like on holiday, I like to curl up with a proper book.

However – I currently mostly read on the train to and from work. Space in my bag is at a premium and so too is space on the train on occasion. Therefore having a kindle (in my case, other e-readers are available) is the best practical solution for reading on the go. My precious books remain free from the threat of accidental damage or even destruction should there be a leaky beverage in my bag. The kindle is of a size that it slots into a small handbag, in fact, it even fits into a coat pocket of two. If I have synced it, I can read on via my phone on the app should I leave my kindle at home. And very importantly, if I finish my book I can start another one with great ease and haven’t had to lug an extra book with me on the off chance I need it.

In short – there’s room for both reading formats without the need for snobbery either way. Don’t knock anything that involves the actual act of reading.

Author: A-M