My Casual Approach To Blogging

I am a terrible blogger. I don’t have set patterns or times I blog. Apparently, I should, but it seems unnatural to me. I prefer to blog when I feel like it.

That said I am in the process of preparing lots of posts to have in my back pocket for when I don’t have anything happening to write about, but they will be saved and scheduled sporadically as and when required. This and possibly a series of Blogmas Posts is about it for forward planning or any kind of strategy.

Despite my starting to add various affiliate links to posts, I don’t blog for the sole purpose of monetising the site. Don’t get me wrong, if the links generate the odd bit of credit it’s most welcome, but I blog as an exercise in writing, to do something just for me, and as a distraction from various anxieties and stress. I know I should be more disciplined and I will work on that at some point but for now, I like my higgledy-piggledy system.

Essentially I do this for fun and I would hate for it to become a chore because I’ve set myself deadlines and targets. Posts will sometimes get scheduled because I would forget to post them otherwise, and dumping a lot of posts on here all at once doesn’t seem like the greatest idea.

I’ll get my specialist blogs up and running properly at some point and there may be some attempts at structure there with regular features but even then I’m going be chilled and not stress if I have to miss a week of something. It’s not worth adding extra stress to something that is basically a hobby.

For now, I am content with a list of topics and ideas to mull over and maybe compose a few paragraphs about while planning new adventures to share.

Blatant Self Promotional Link –

This is my Etsy shop. I make fun jewellery on various themes (Film, TV, Music, Motorbikes, Cats etc…) Please go and have a look in case anything takes your fancy.

Author: A-M