Five Favourite Comfort Movies

In no particular order, but with affiliate links.


This is a great movie with an amazing cast. Everyone makes it all look so easy. I can watch this at the drop of a hat, I don’t need a reason, but the last viewing was our own little tribute to Sidney Poitier.

You can buy the bluray with lots of extra features here. (This one isn’t an affiliate link by the way)

Fierce Creatures

While I do watch this one for the hell of it occasionally, it really is my main comfort film in that if a day or week or whatever is truly awful I’ll stick this on to try and bring me out of the funk. I know Wanda is probably the better film by this particular ensemble cast, but this one is the most fun to watch.

Buy it here.

Blow Dry

This film is not great, I am fully aware of this fact. However, I bloody love it, Josh Harnett’s extremely dodgy Yorkshire accent and all. Of course, the overriding thing this film has going for it is Alan Rickman, which is why it’s the go-to film for girlie nights in. It’s a fun film.

The film doesn’t seem to be available on DVD etc…but it is on Amazon Prime Video if you are a subscriber.

The Dark Crystal

I randomly geek out about this movie and then have to sit and watch it and all the Bluray extras. Somewhere there should be a bunch of books from the time of its original release. A more recently purchased (but second hand) copy of the novel of the film sits on my bedside table.

Buy it here

Time Bandits

This was my introduction to both Handmade Films and the works of Terry Gilliam. I think it’s a great kid’s film because it’s not a perfect adventure, the “heroes” aren’t really heroes and the ending doesn’t tie things up in a neat little bow. They are certainly the reasons (along with the effects) it stuck with me anyway.

Buy it here

Author: A-M