Not Really Going To Plan

We are just about halfway through the year and I haven’t posted since January!
To say things got away from me would be a simple way of putting it. Glossing over everything else, the last few weeks really saw the wheels come off.

There’s been a lot of worry, anxiety and exhaustion over the last month or two, and then you get to add the menopause to the list! This even impacted my beloved International Pop Overthrow Liverpool event causing me to miss some of it. I am behind with the planned posts on my music blog, they will happen it will just take a little while.

This week was meant to be a fun week off, maybe with the odd trip somewhere local in the afternoon, a bit of socialising etc… however it has mainly been trying to catch up on sleep and recover from the last couple of weeks. Though to be honest, it’s turned out that this may have been fortunate as through a series of events we have had no spare cash for anything this week. Things should be back to normal in the next week or so though, thank goodness.

So what is the point of this post? Simply to say it’s always time to try again. Every time I didn’t have the mental or physical energy to stay out over the IPO event I was determined to try again the next day. In the end, I was so done in, I went home earlier than planned.

With a fresh determination I have managed to spend some time this week coming up with new things for my Etsy shop and I hope to manage my time a little better so I get some writing done too. Basically – I shall get up each day and try again.

Author: A-M