Category: General

Tickets Please!

Ticket buying shouldn’t be so traumatic. But it is. This morning I spent two hours…

 Posted in Adventures, Events, General

Promoting The Other Half’s YouTube Channel

This post is a blatant plug for my other half’s YouTube channel. He’s a Motobike…

 Posted in General, Personal, Uncategorized

Trying To Blog With A Cat

 Posted in General, Personal

So…I’m on TikTok

I have no idea what I am doing but I am on TikTok. I currently…

 Posted in Geekery, General


I have spent far too long trying to determine the type of posts I should…

 Posted in General

A Festive Wander Around Liverpool

We went for a little wander around Liverpool to look at the Christmas stuff. To…

 Posted in Blogmas, General, Personal, Photographs

Christmas Jewellery at My Etsy Shop

I have a range of Christmas-themed jewellery for the festive season over on my Etsy…

 Posted in Blogmas, General

My Memory Board

I have started a memory board in my room at Stuart’s house. As you can…

 Posted in Geekery, General, Personal

Things That Drain My Energy

I want to try to keep things positive on this blog, but realistically I know…

 Posted in General, Personal

How I Wasted A Week Off

I have to confess that the title of this post is a little misleading. I…

 Posted in General, Personal