Here’s to the New Year…

I’m not one for all the “New Year New You” bollocks, if you need a reset you can do it at any point. Nothing magically happens at midnight on the 31st of December to solve all your problems, but hope is renewed, which is a good thing.

I stopped making New Year’s Resolutions a long time ago. They never last long and are made when everything is geared toward pressuring you into changing lifestyle and habits so it feels even worse when you don’t keep to them.

I do make a plan though, a list of things I will try to do. I keep it simple and potentially rather obtainable. Mostly I try to keep it positive. I’ve been down the route of self-loathing, it’s not nice. Why start the year looking at what is wrong with you?

With that in mind, yesterday I say and prepped the New Year/January pages for my journal. Here’s the first spread, and my list of things I will try to do.

Nothing earth-shattering, nothing to strive too hard for. Everything on the list will help with my sense of well-being, a continuation of self, not a “new me.” If you’re happy and you know it, be yourself.

Author: A-M